11 Bernard St, West St. Paul, MN (651) 457-6661 Email Facebook
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Sunday Morning Worship @ 9:30 am
Located in West St. Paul


One Lord, one faith, one baptism.”  Ephesians 4:5

Baptism is a joyous celebration!  We are called by name into God’s family.

We believe that, through the waters of Baptism, we are cleansed from our sins, claimed as daughters and sons of the living God, and brought into God’s family, the Church.  We follow the Lutheran tradition of baptizing people of all ages, including infants.  We also recognize that Baptism makes one a member of the Christian church, so we do not require one to be re-baptized when joining the Lutheran Church.

Baptism is a sacrament shared with family, sponsors, godparents, and the church congregation.  For this reason, baptisms normally take place during a regular worship service.  While it’s preferred to celebrate a baptism within the context of the worship community, there are occasional circumstances which make it necessary to schedule a baptism outside of a worship service.  Such scheduling is dependent on the availability of both the facility and one of our pastors.

Please contact the church office to schedule a baptism or for more information. 651-457-6661