Reach out to neighbors – Near and Far
This is more than a phrase in a Mission Statement for Salem. It is our way of life. Reaching out to our neighbors to help them experience an abundant life is part of our identity. It is nurtured in our children and matured in our adults. From packing meals at Feed My Starving Children to helping box medical supplies at Global Health Ministries, everyone gets in on the work.
“Perhaps nothing helps us make the movement from our little selves to a larger world than remembering God in gratitude.” Henri Nouwen
Mission – Near
One of the most important aspects of life at Salem is our ministry to our immediate neighbors. Our congregation is full of life almost every night of the week. Not all of this activity is Salem sponsored. We view our building as a resource for our neighborhood, so we might all grow in the sense of belonging to each other. Click here to learn more
Please take a moment to take a look at some thank you notes from organizations that Salem helps to support.
Camp Wapo
Loaves & Fishes
Interfaith Action of Greater Saint Paul
Mission – Far
The people of Salem understands our reaching out to our neighbors does not stop at our door, nor the city limits of West St. Paul, Minnesota. Throughout its 125 years history, Salem has been reaching out to people all over the world to nurture the faith and help people discover abundant life. Click here to learn more about our global partnerships