11 Bernard St, West St. Paul, MN (651) 457-6661 Email Facebook
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Sunday Morning Worship @ 9:30 am
Located in West St. Paul

O.W.L.S. (Older Wiser Lutherans at Salem) – TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13 – 1:00 PM (FELLOWSHIP HALL)

The next OWLS meeting will take place on Tuesday, February 13 at 1:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Timothy Mercure, a representative from the Red Cross, will be giving a presentation about blood types and the journey that takes place from the time you donate blood to the time it helps save a life! Time permitting, the dice game “Shake Doubles” will follow. Everyone is invited to participate!

OWLS is a senior group at Salem for people 55 and older. It stands for “Older Wiser Lutherans at Salem” and is for anyone who wants to share fellowship together. The group  meets on the SECOND TUESDAY OF THE MONTH AT 1:00 PM IN THE FELLOWSHIP HALL. The meeting/event that can include: guest speakers, games, outings, crafts, etc. (EVERYONE is welcome to attend the OWLS meetings, regardless of age, guest speaker events often address multigenerational topics)