How very good and pleasant it is when kindred live together in unity!” Psalm 133:1
Psalm 133 was a song people would sing on their way to Jerusalem to worship. They were people scattered all over the world who gathered during festival times to worship. Out of isolation, they came to discover the presence of others. It made life good and pleasant.
At Salem, each Sunday is a festival experience. Each time you walk through the doors is another opportunity to discover a lasting relationship. Salem is a place where neighbors connect with each other to find strength and joy in life. Most of all, it is a place you are invited to join.
Community, especially one of vitality, is something you need to connect with to discover its life-changing gifts. The invitation to connect with Salem is an opportunity for a dynamic encounter Christ. With each encounter, we begin to discover the Christ in our neighbor. It is this Christ who helps us feel refreshed and able to meet the challenges of life.