Interested in membership?
Salem is always delighted to welcome new people! People join our community in one of three ways:
- Those who have not been baptized join by Holy Baptism.
- Baptized persons from other Christian traditions, or inactive with a Lutheran background, join by Affirmation of Baptism.
- Active Lutherans moving from other congregations join by Transfer.
Why join? What difference does being a member make?
Membership is a tangible way to affirm and celebrate one’s commitment to the church, which is not just for the person joining but also a gift to the rest of the community. It strengthens the relationship between worshiper and worshiping community.
Twice per year, Salem hosts a gathering of new and prospective members. These gatherings are usually scheduled on Sunday after the 9:30 am worship service and are a time for conversation and questions, and an optional tour of the facility. Light beverages and treats are offered. If you are interested in joining or attending a new member gathering, please e-mail the office.